Commitment for Title Insurance
The Commitment for Title Insurance is issued when the company can expect that a policy of title insurance will be issued. Title commitments consists of 4 Schedules being A, B, C, and D. Schedule A provides details of the current transaction such as current owner of record, current sales price/loan amount, proposed buyer, lender, etc. Schedule B contains exceptions to title, meaning that the items listed will not be covered by any title policy/ies issued. There is no charge for this form in Texas. Fees for title insurance is collected only if a title policy is issued.
Lien Search
A report showing only ownership and liens of record for a date range specified when the lien search order is placed. The fee for this service will be determined by the range of years we would need to research. Invoice will be issued and must be paid prior to any work beginning.
Nothing Further Certificate
This certificate is normally requested by banks or lien holders requesting the title company to certify that “Nothing Further” has transpired since their last policy date that would affect the priority of their lien. Our office would provide the certificate as well as copies of all recorded documents filed of record. Invoice will be issued and must be paid prior to any work beginning.
Title Report (no liability - not a form of title insurance)
A title report is an examined report pertaining to a specific piece of property. The report will contain current owner, easements, leases, deeds, and outstanding liens of any type. Although it does contain the same information shown in a title commitment for title insurance, the company has no obligation to issue a policy or subsequent commitment pursuant to same. Invoice will be issued and must be paid prior to any work beginning.
Abstractor’s Certificate (no liability – not a form of title insurance)
A chronological list of all matters filed of record against a particular piece of property from a specified date range including items indexed against a particular named party or subject property. Invoice will be issued and must be paid prior to any work beginning.